Selection, Input and Proposal submission only available after login

Option 2, Proposal for new candidate beamline

Beamline name:  
Name:   Institution:   Email:  

1. Brief information survey for proposed candidate beamline (filling content below is mandate except optional items)

1.1 Science motivation:  
1.2 Brief introduction to X-ray methods:  
1.3 Parameters for X-ray :  
light source type bending magnet      undulator      wiggler      unknown     
energy range min    keV
max    keV
energy points(X-ray parameters for 3 energy points at most) energy point 1     @ keV
energy point 2     @ keV
energy point 3     @ keV
Energy bandwidth(ΔE/E) @ energy point 1 (multiple choices) monochromatic     x10-4
pink beam     %
white light    

photon flux@sample at energy point 1(photon/s): monochromatic x10^ photon/s
pink beam x10^ photon/s
Coherent photon flux@sample at energy point 1(photon/s) (optional): x10^ photon/s
Beam size@ sample at energy point 1: min
Zoom requirement at energy point 1:
beam divergence(μrad) at energy point 1(optional):
focus depth at energy point 1(optional):
polarization needs(multiple choices) N/A     horizontal polarization default     circular polarization     elliptical polarization    
vertical polarization    
HEPS operation mode: High Brightness mode,hundreds of small charge bunches, lowest emittance for highest brightness
Timing mode, 63 large charge bunches, for time-resolved research
Suggestion for new bunch filling pattern(optional)
The length of beamline (from source to the end of beamline) needs to be beyond 100m?
1.4 Experimental condition needs(Only brief description needed here and the detailed decription please upload file):  
sample manipulation
sample environment
Detector requirement
Data acquisition needs
Data processing and analysis
1.5 Utilities needs:  
Experimental station
Check if you are intended to invest the beamline construction  

HEPS is a national scientific facility for public research, open to users around the world. For the beamlines constructed and invested by the users, at least 30% beam time must be allocated to the public beamtime. Besides the beamline construction investment, the operation cost is also supported by the investor ( less than 10% of the beamline cost)

2. Upload the design of the new beamlline

download the Template

Click “+”and upload file (PDF or Word file format acceptable, PDF suggested, upload size limit 20M)
